
Dec 9, 20182 min

Winter Snow Removal Tips

Snow is unpredictable here in Southern Idaho. The Magic Valley area has seen seasons from snowmaggedon to hardly a falling snowflake. The reality is that we should be prepared for snow rather than hope for no snow here in the valley. 1-Call Property Solutions, LLC offers snow removal for the entire season. You can count on us to be there in a timely manner for every snowfall occurrence. If you decide you need us only after a heavy snowfall, we will be there when you need us. Just give us a call and we can add you to our schedule for that one-time snowfall occurrence.

Whether you hire a company for your snow removal needs or push the snow yourself, remember these tips for safety and comfort this season.

BE PREPARED: Have your snow blowers, shovels and ice melt ready and accessible in case of snow. The last thing you want to be doing is digging everything out or heading out to buy ice melt during a storm. You can also mark your driveways and sidewalks with reflective posts and figure out where you want snow to go and keep snow from where it will cause problems.

Dress for the weather and be alert if you are going out into the storm.

If accumulation is expected with any storm, try and keep up with accumulating snow. It is much easier to remove small amounts of snow rather than waiting until the storm is over and removing all the snow at one time.

Shoveling snow can be difficult, don't overexert yourself. Take breaks as needed or better yet, hire a professional plowing service.

Prevent salt damage to sidewalks and keep pets safe by using the correct ice melt for walkways. Salt can destroy grass and plants and can harm pets that walk on it and then lick their paws. Spending a little extra money on the proper ice melt, can prevent more costly repairs and keep pets safe this winter.

Using these tips can make easier work of snow removal. If you need a professional plowing service, call 1-Call Property Solutions, LLC (208) 490-6713. We are there when you need us!
